Chess Lessons and Tournaments for Kids

"If we really want to impact kids, we need to make sure that every 5-year-old in the country is learning to play chess."

- Salome Thomas-EL, visionary Principal of Thomas Edison Charter School in Delaware

Inspired by these words, it is the mission of Clever Fox Chess Club to empower children across Los Angeles with critical thinking, problem-solving skills and self-confidence by offering lessons, tournaments and a unique "chess club for kids" experience.

Our club is a proud affiliate of the U.S. Chess Federation (USCF), which means our students can earn nationally recognized chess ratings, compete in USCF sactioned tournaments and have access to cutting edge resources for learning and studying chess.

Join us to unlock your child's potential in a nurturing environment led by our dedicated team. 

The first group lesson is a FREE trial, so why not try us out?

Benefits of Chess Lessons for Kids

Cognitive Development

Cognitive Development

Chess promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and strategic planning skills, which are crucial for cognitive development in young children. Studies have shown that chess-playing children demonstrate improvements in memory, concentration and spatial reasoning abilities. 

Academic Performance

Academic Performance

Research suggests that children who learn chess at a young age tend to perform better academically, particularly in mathematics and reading comprehension. Playing chess engages children's minds, fostering abstract reasoning and intellectual growth.

Social and Emotional Skills

Social and Emotional Skills

Chess fosters social skills like patience, sportsmanship, and the ability to cope with success and failure. Through chess, children learn to plan, delay gratification and manage emotions, contributing to overall emotional intelligence.

Focus and Concentration

Focus and Concentration

Chess requires focus and concentration, helping children develop these essential skills at an early age. Research indicates that regular chess practice improves attention span and the ability to stay on task.

Self Esteem

Self Esteem

Learning chess empowers children by providing them with a challenging and rewarding intellectual activity. As they master chess strategies and tactics, their self-esteem and self-confidence grow, positively impacting various aspects of their lives.

Long Term Life Skills

Long Term Life Skills

Chess instills valuable life skills that extend far beyond the game board. Children who learn chess at a young age develop patience, perseverance, and the ability to think critically in various situations. These skills are transferable to real-life challenges and can positively impact their personal and professional lives as they grow.

Join Our Chess Community

Get in touch with us via the contact form below to learn more about our chess club and upcoming events.

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